Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Selective Writing


The reason i chose this picture to do for my selective coloring, is because it showed great detail.  This picture already had a great effect, and with the selective coloring on it made it even more of a beautiful picture. I love my finial result, it came out very nice and i wouldn't change it any other way.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Light Writing

 There were two people who helped me create my idea.The way the swirls came about inspired my idea.  In order to get my final image, i used Photoshop and i made different layers.  Then put everything together to make it one big picture. I love the way my final result came out, it was my best work and i had a fun time doing it and putting it all together.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014


My Presentation

I think this was a great picture, because of the angle i took the picture from.  You can see the whole tiger very clear and neat.

I like this picture a lot as well, because it was a great close up and shows great detail.

This was my favorite picture, because of the lighting in the picture.

I think this was a fun project, i enjoyed doing it.  The project was not hard, it only changeling part was taking 50 different pictures.  All the other parts was very easy, and i had fun.  I love the way my presentation turned out.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014




The first thing i did, was took a picture of the bricks (Before).  Then i took another picture with me standing on a stool with the same bricks in the background. After that i loaded the pictures onto the computer and put it on Photoshop.  I erased the stool and made a shadow (After). Everything i did worked. I loved the way my picture came out. It was very pretty, and i did a greet job on it.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Cartoon Yourself

                                                                       My Photo

                                                                 My Cartoon

This portrait is an image of me. This assignment as a whole was very difficult an a hard challenge. I feel like i could have done a better job with my cartoon, but it was difficult and tired very hard on it.  Although i do not like this picture so much.

Pictorialist Portrait

                                                                    Before Filters

                                                                   After Filters

A pictorialism is a name given to an international style and aesthetic movement that dominated photography during the latter 19th and earlier 20th centuries.  A Photoshop is used for creating and editing graphic's. To create my after filtering i used the sketch and then conte crayon.  I used them because it made a difference from the first picture i took that was not filtered. I like the way both of my pictures came out.  I thought they were both very pretty, and even with the second picture being filtered you could see the picture.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Pinhole Photography

A pinhole photography is a simple camera without a lens with a simple small aperture. A light proof box with a small hole on one side. I made my pinhole photograph, by butting a piece of photo paper in a big tin can with the lid on top of it.  i then went outside took the tape off the outside lens and stood still for up to 15 seconds.  Then put the tape on the can, and put the photo paper in the solutions. I do not like the way my photo paper turned out it wasn't a clear enough picture.